Naco Design

Furniture  |   Homewares

At Naco, each order is meticulously crafted in-house, embodying our commitment to design, sustainability, and enduring relationships.  For 26 years, we’ve eschewed middlemen and imports, driven solely by our passion for honest craftsmanship. While the landscape has evolved, our core vision remains steadfast.

At the heart of Naco lies a dedication to thoughtful design, striving for outcomes that reflect both beauty and conscience. Our journey is defined by an unwavering pursuit of sustainable practices, shaping a future where every creation leaves a positive footprint.

Development is our cornerstone. For us, it’s not just about making furniture; it’s about elevating quality with each piece. We marry tradition with innovation, leveraging both time-honored techniques and cutting-edge technologies to ensure unparalleled excellence in both form and function. Fuelled by our profound love for the craft, we persistently push boundaries, transcending any constraints our processes may present.

512 Bridge Road, Richmond, 3121

03 9421 3883

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